Sunday, May 15, 2016

Rajah Brookes on the Wing

Only two halfway decent shots I managed to get of the Rajah Brooke birdwing butterflies that were present yesterday. I have always wanted to take photos of these beauties. But yesterday they were skittishly flitting about and didn't rest near where I sat. So these were all I got using super fast shutter speed (1/800) and ISO 400 on AV setting. They were dark, but autocorrect helped to make them visible. Colours etc. are still off. Hope I get another chance to capture these soon.


  1. wonderful to get these, I have tried many times and never had any luck

    1. Hi.. sorry I never replied earlier. I discovered that there are times when they stay quite still and you can happily shoot away with a 300mm lens. I'll share the pics soon :)
